Final Fantasy XIV © Square Enix Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
niko sonnenblume
has always wanted to set up a cafe, but is a terrible cook. (hence samedachi cannot be called a cafe in good conscience...) always happy to listen or chat about anything under the sun. despite its second-rate nature, the food is all made with love, so niko hopes that you will feel comfy and welcome here at samedachi!

「favourite spot: anywhere」
a megalomaniac that insists on being addressed as "major-general".
「favourite spot: aquarium」
sometimes feels rather left out of the fun because she's confined to her tank.

「favourite spot: floor cushions」
has had many a cup of juice spilled on him. feels only slightly resentful.
「favourite spot: bench」
prefers the right bench over the left bench. susan, they're exactly the same.

「favourite spot: paissa swing chair」
has gotten used to couples sitting with her and is the perfect third wheel.
「favourite spot: far away」
a shark of few words. pretends (?) to be a stuffed shark to avoid interaction.